
Hello! My name is Blaine Traudt and I am a sophomore in the Raikes school at UNL.

I have interests in GNU/Linux, cybersecurity, networking, optimization, and financial independence. My current machine is running Arch Linux which I installed using my own custom install script archBT. I am planning on getting a Computer Science degree with two focus areas, cybersecurity and networking. I run my home network off of an OPNsense instance on my server running Proxmox to have more control over my home network. I spend way too much time worrying about optimization, which can be seen in this blog post, and financial independence, which can be seen in this blog post. I also plan on getting a minor in business with my experience from my Raikes classes and working with Speedway Motors in eCommerce.

I am currently looking for an internship for the upcoming 2025 summer. Please reach out to me on LinkedIn or Email if you think I would make a good fit for your team!